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A member registered Jun 13, 2021

Recent community posts

What a wonderful story! Keep up with this,im really excited to see more of it♡

(1 edit)

Hey there! Recently i have finished the chapter 3,and i can say easily that is one of the best interactive fictions that i ever read! Hope you can continue this and see how it goes,pretty excited to see my female vampire goes through this thrilling,yet pretty exciting story! Keep up with your great work 😉 ❤️

When the possibility of playing with female character will be available for public?

Hey there! Nice game you made it!

Sorry for being a little strange in my question but you pretend to make some kind of romance or flirt with the roomates or some future character like the woman in the gym?

Um,my question may seem idiot but in the we can expect to play with a female main character? I like this game a lot but i feel uncomfortable playing with a male character.

p.s:i'm a lesbian girl ;p

What's New on this update?

Ssme,i would love if they could add female protagonist option <3

...i still cant play the game

I'll try reinstall the game...

Samsung A3S

When i start the New game the game closes

How do i increase the characters libido?

oh,thats fine Nice work with this New update ^w^

This New update have been launched to The Android version? Ps:happy New year! ^^

If i download the Android version my actual progress is still there?

So glad you came back uploading! Nice job with your new game! ^^

If i download this new version,my actual save are going to stay in the game or i will need to do something else to keep the save?

Ps:i play on android